Analytics is a key component of content marketing. Without them, determining the ROI of an email campaign, or any marketing campaign for that matter, would be impossible. Here are six email newsletter statistics to monitor on every email you send to help you measure the effectiveness of your email marketing:

Open Rate

Your open rate will tell you how many readers actually open your emails. If your open rate needs improvement, try improving your subject line with engaging or personalized phrases. Questions, deadlines, using the recipient’s name, or teasers all work well to entice the reader to open the email.

Bounce Rate

Emails can bounce or, in other words, not be delivered for one of two reasons. First, a soft bounce means a normally good email address is experiencing a server problem or has a full inbox. A soft bounce, while not great, is not the end of the world because the email address will likely be able to receive emails again. A hard bounce, on the other hand, means the email address is closed, non-existent, or invalid. Hard bounces can affect your email deliverability over all, so carefully monitor how many emails are undeliverable.

Click-Through Rate

Click-through rate and the next item, conversion rate, are probably the two most important metrics to watch.  While open rates are important because you want your recipients to read your emails, more importantly, you want them to follow through and act on your email. Watching your click-through rate will show how many people are actually visiting your website as a result of your email.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rates reveal how many readers not only clicked through but also converted from leads to customers. Your conversion rate will help you determine the ROI of your email newsletter by showing how much you actually make from an email campaign.

Create and Send Engaging Newsletters From Gmail

Subscribe Rate

List growth is important, and while this isn’t a metric associated specifically with one email, it can show the effectiveness of your overall content marketing. Good content means more people will want it delivered straight to their inboxes.

Unsubscribe Rate

Low unsubscribe rates can be deceptive. While seemingly a good thing, a low unsubscribe rate can mean your unsubscribe option is difficult to find or confusing. Play around with the placement or wording of your unsubscribe option; if your unsubscribe rate shoots up as a result, it may be time to start cranking out higher quality or more engaging content.


Email newsletter statistics can help you see the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. FlashIssue’s analytics feature is simple to access and follow to allow you to easily and quickly determine the ROI of your newsletters.