We’re testing a new feature that allows you to share one of your email’s as a template with the rest of your team.

The feature is not totally baked – it’s fully functional but not very polished. We want to get it in your hands for some feedback, so let us know what you think.

How it works

The feature lets you share an email you have created in your Flashissue account with others in your team so they can use it as a template of their own. Once shared, they are  free to edit the email as their own – it will leave the original email in your account unchanged.

Try the example from the video (click the link): 

Note: this is NOT a feature that lets you “collaborate” on an email with others.; it allows you  to share an email as a copy with others.

Step #1: View Email

Go to your Reports tab and hover your mouse over an email you would like to share with your team. Click the “View Email” button and you will be taken to the web view of the email.

view email

Step #2: Create link

Now the email has opened in your browser create the link  to share with your team.

Add the following text –  /share – to the end of the page URL so that:

The original link: 

add share to your link url

Step #3: Share the link

Email the URL you created in Step#2 to your team i.e. Just paste the link into a regular Gmail email and send it to your team.

When your team receives your email all they need do is click the link and your Flashissue template will load as a new email in their Flashissue account.

 team clicks link

template loads

Try this example (click the link): 

Some important tips

#1 Close the webapp view: If you and your team use the Flashissue Gmail Inbox integration your team members will want to close the webapp view of Flashissue that loads the template and return to the Gmail Inbox view of Flashissue.

 close webapp share


#2  Duplicate from Drafts: Remember, if your team wants to preserve their new template in its original form instruct them to use the green Duplicate button found on the Drafts tab when opening the template.

 duplicate button

Vote for this feature if you want us to add more to it.


View more helpful articles on using Flashissue.

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