Email Marketing
Add A Powerpoint Presentation To Email Newsletters Using Slideshare
Jan 25, 2013
Here’s a tip on how to get better conversion out of your marketing efforts: Just add a powerpoint presentation to your email newsletter using a free service called Slideshare.
Don’t worry Mac users, the same applies to you. While reading this post substitute the word *powerpoint* for *keynote*.
If you have created your own powerpoint presentation, great. If you do not have one of your own, dont worry, I’ll show a way to find some great free content.
Step 1: Upload your Powerpoint to Slideshare
Slideshare is the Youtube of presentations. It’s a great free service for hosting your .ppt presentations. All you do is upload your presentation and Slideshare converts it to a nifty slide show that can be then be used to share online.
You can embed it in your website or blog post (like I have done below) or you can include it in a newsletter.
Here’s an example of a powerpoint presentation I uploaded:
Step 2: Add Your Slideshare to Your Email Newsletter
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