Take all those favorite articles you love to read and curate an email newsletter in minutes. Send it to your customers, prospects or friends.

I found this new product called Feedly. It synchs up with Google Reader and makes it super quick and fun to curate my favorite articles from Google Reader. Once i plug the Google Reader RSS feed into Flashissue it takes a couple of minutes to churn out a curated email newsletter.

Create and Send Engaging Newsletters From Gmail


  1. Login to Feedly (it’s free). You’re be prompted to hook it up with your Google Reader account (do this)
  2. Use Feedly to tag the articles you want in your newsletter (I used the tag “Entrepreneur”)
  3. Go back to Google Reader and make sure the “Entrepreneur” tag is *public* i.e. Settings>Folder & Tags>Reader Setting>{click the RSS icon next to Entrepreneur tag}> View Public Page. Then copy the URL to your clipboard
  4. Login to Flashissue (it’s free) and paste your “Entrepreneur” RSS URL into the My Stuff tab. Click GO.
  5. Drag and drop you articles into the newsletter and send.