Evernote is a great product for saving all those notes and clippings of websites you want to store. If you want to create a newsletter from those Evernote clippings, you can do it but only just!

Sending notes into Evernote using email works great but i wish there was a good way to do things in reverse.

Being able to create a newsletter in this way would be a real time saver, since i have so much great content stored in Evernote.

I’m clipping (bookmarking) interesting web articles all day, so i have all this really valuable curated content that’s being hoarded on Evernote.

Evernote does give you an RSS feed for each folder that will let you extract clippings but the articles link back to an Evernote landing page, where as i want them linking to the original content. The current way adds to many clicks for the user.


Here’s what you can do with Evernote and a newsletter.

Step 1: Share folder

Take a folder in Evernote that has a bunch of articles that you’d like to share via a newsletter. It’s better if when you clipped them, you clipped the “Full Page”.

Then share your notebook by right clicking the folder, selecting “Share Notebook” and clicking the “make Public” button.
When you’ve shared your notebook, the notebook will have a public url. For example:


If you need it, you obtain the RSS feed  by appending “/feed” to the url, which will result in:



Step 2: Create a newsletter

Login to flashissue.com and paste  the notebook url into the “My Stuff” tab & build your newsletter by dragging the articles over.



Send your newsletter. When it’s received the readers can click the article links and they’ll be taken back to the Evernote landing page to read the articles.


Here’s the Evernote landing page for the shared notebook. I see this when i on the “Continue Reading” link in the newsletter.


It would be better if when clicking an article in the newsletter i was taken to the original article page instaed of the Evernote shared notebook page but you cant have everything!