time to create a newsletterThis is some really interesting research from the people at KissMetrics on email timing. They have a great infographic that outlines what each time period of the day means for customer behavior.

It’s easy to forget that people don’t work in a linear order, they address emails based on level of importance.  This is why you need to think about when you send your emails if you want to maximize effectiveness.

There is a quite a bit of research out there that discusses the timing aspect of email performance. The KissMetric information goes a step further and breaks it down to specific types of information.  They’ve analyzed work patterns to figure out when people are really ‘plugged in’ or more susceptible to outside distractions and offers. That’s powerful information for your business or the one you’re marketing.

create a social newsletter

See the infographic: 

Can timing impact the success of your email marketing campaign? Data indicates that there may be “windows” of time when your email campaigns can achieve higher open rates and maximum readership. Today’s infographic by KissMetrics discusses if that is indeed the […]

via How Timing Impacts the Success of Your Email Marketing Campaign [Infographic] | Saleschase Blog.

More email marketing goodness: 

The Secret to Less Unsubscribing and More Engagement (blog.flashissue.com)
How to Write Emails That Sell and that People Love to Read (blog.flashissue.com)
Why an Inbox is a Sexy Piece of Real Estate (blog.flashissue.com)