We just received this video from one our early adopters, Mickey Mellen.  He is a WordPress guru and blogging pro, check out some of his work at GreenMellen Media.

Here is his video review of FlashIssue:

how to create a great newsletter

Mickey’s Post: 

If you send email newsletters, this will blow your mind.

I’ve been checking out flashissue.com for about a month and waiting for them to add a few featured that I needed. Those features are in place, and this tool is now a killer.

There are a few shortcomings that they’re still working on (custom text boxes, color customization, additional providers, etc), but it’s a very impressive product — the video below is just 2.5 minutes long and includes the creation of a full email newsletter from start to finish. We used it for the Green Mellen Media newsletter today and it worked out very well for us.

Do you know of any other great tools to help with email campaigns?

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