It’s good not to lose sight of the basics and email newsletters have always been in the tool box for good online marketers.  Sending the right thing in the campaign is another thing but get it right and you will build loyalty and business

– Phil

newsletter, curation, flashissue

As digital touchpoints become more extensive and increasingly elaborate, companies are changing tactics to increase customer retention. Lessons learned from email marketing—where permission is critical and consumers have come to expect valuable offers—can help marketers get the most from their other digital touchpoints with customers.

“When it comes to fostering customer loyalty, opt-in email marketing is not just a major channel in itself. It’s an excellent example for all other touchpoints,” said David Hallerman, eMarketer principal analyst and author of the new report, “The Lessons of Email: Using Digital Touchpoints for Customer Loyalty.” “Email marketing has been around for a long time, so it might not have the same sizzle as newer, hotter marketing channels. But don’t confuse lack of flash with lack of effectiveness. Consumers are more open to email messaging than most other digital marketing, and it still gets results.”

via Opt-In Email Offers a Lesson in Loyalty Creation – eMarketer.