content marketing case studyOne size does not fit all when it comes to content marketing, different sized businesses need different strategies.  What works for one company most likely won’t work for the other.

The Content Marketing Institute has an interesting article up right now comparing the social content strategies of local Nissan auto dealers versus their main corporate page.  It turns out that even though they are both talking about Nissan cars, they have to tailor their message differently in order to effectively engage their respective audience.

The analysis found that at the manufacturer level, posts with product information produced the most engagement.  Additionally, the data shows that longer posts were more successful than short ones for this group.

On the flip side, local dealers had a very different experience.  Their audience was less interested in product information and more attracted to non-industry content that they found useful.  One particularly successful post had nothing to do with cars at all; “Which american job do you think pays the most for the least amount of work”?  Shorter posts were the most successful for this group.

What this is saying is that every online community/group has a different identity.  Your content strategy needs to take this in to consideration if you want to be successful.  The plan should be ground up, listening to what your audience wants instead of top down where you’re forcing your own point of view.

Here is the case study:

Facebook is, in many ways, a very local platform. Most people’s friends are from their geographic areas, and Facebook’s own moves into Places indicates that it sees a lot of opportunity there. While most marketers on Facebook wrestle with the never-ending issue of what […]

Read Full Article:  Small Business vs. Large: Facebook Content Marketing Lessons.

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