If you are part of a Mortgage company, you know how important it is to have a good newsletter. Owners and employees need an effective and timely manner of communication in order to keep their customers in touch (announcements, industry information, news, rate changes, special deals, future plans).

Newsletters are an amazing way to get your message out.  Thanks to content curation, it’s easier than ever to send great newsletters through Gmail without a lot of work.  Content curation is the act of discovering, gathering, and presenting digital content that surrounds specific subject matter.

We’ve put together a great list of resources for anyone interested in building a newsletter for their Mortgage company.

Mortgage Company Newsletter Content, Articles, & Ideas 

Economist – Excellent source of unbiased financial data & information
WSJ – One of the industry’s flagship publications provides daily news and commentary
MBAA – Large association of Mortgage Bankers, providing information & news
NMN – Mortgage headlines from around the U.S.

Mortgage Company Newsletter Services & Providers

FlashIssue – Get your message out in a different way
Aweber – Big in the industry, most for high volume
Campaigner – Lots of templates
Cheetah Mail – Standard web mail service
Constant Contact – A one of the larger companies 
MailChimp – One of the more popular choices
iContact – Another fairly popular email marketing service

Mortgage Company Blogs 

Paramount – Missouri Mortgage Broker keeps audience in touch with updates and news
MBB – By mortgage broker’s for mortgage brokers
Lenderama – Claims to be the first blog to start covering the mortgage industry

Mortgage Company Newsletter Samples & Examples

Martha’s Vineyard Mortgage
Trinity Mortgage
Mortgage Company Newsletter Template



FlashIssue enables you to get your marketing message out in a different way. It lets you rapidly curate your own email digest from content you find on the web and articles you write yourself.