
This video on curating features author Steve Rosenbaum who wrote the book Curation Nation. The main contention in his book is that we’ve reached a point where we have more than enough content but not enough people organizing it. As a result, the quality is low and it’s very difficult to find what you’re looking for.

His prediction is that we’ll become more dependent on curators; the people who find, organize and share relevant content on a topic. He talks about how traditional publishing (newspapers, magazines, television) is changing; brands are increasingly becoming publishers themselves so they can tell their story in their own words.

Finding a trusted source of information is now the most important factor in consumer behavior.


Steve Rosenbaum is a pioneer of the content curation movement. He’s worked in numerous media outlets including MTV, HBO, A&E, National Geographic, CNN, MSNBSC, and Discovery.

Rosenbaum is now the CEO of a, a company that focuses on aggregation, curation, and user contributions.

Key Takeaways

– Brands that build trust with an audience will win more customers
– Niches will be extremely important; less is more
– Content curation isn’t a buzz work, it’s here to stay