Email Marketing
Gmail is the #1 Marketers’ Favorite Email Platform – Here is why
Oct 8, 2013
With so many different email platforms available, it can be difficult to find the best one to use for marketing purposes. Some email platforms offer a few desired features but lack others, some have a better appearance but lack almost any features. The number one favorite email platform being used by marketers is Gmail. The following is just some of the many reasons why.
Gmail offers users an extremely efficient experience with the help of several features including the new “compose new” options. With the new compose you can pull up as many new message windows as your screen will hold and still be able to sort through your mail or anything else you wish at the same time. To add to the efficiency, there is the new, Gmail Inbox tabs feature that separates your emails into given categories, each with its own easily accessible tab. You can dictate what category emails from specific senders go to and color-code the icons of each category. Multi-tasking is another great way to achieve efficiency which is why Gmail lets you chat, call, and use video all at the same time.
Hangouts and circles
Anyone who is familiar with Google+ knows about the Hangout and Circles features. Now with Gmail you can access your Hangouts right from your email without having to pull up any extra tabs. This feature allows you to conduct a virtual meeting with up to nine people at one time from anywhere with internet access. The Circles feature provides an opportunity to keep the people in your life in easily accessible groups, that way you will never have to worry about finding the right contacts or sending a message to the wrong people again.
Stars Feature
This is an excellent feature for anyone that receives more emails in one day than you want to sort through. With the stars feature, you can quickly scan through your emails and add a star to any that needs to be read or seems important. This allows you to be able to find important emails quickly without going through the whole mess again.
Google Drive
Never have to worry about getting a file to load again, simple share the file from Google Drive. Google Drive allows for files up to 10 GB to be loaded, which is more than almost any other service. Within Google Dive you can create Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides which covers most of what you will need out of a writing platform.
Undo Send
Have you ever sent an email before it was ready, or sent a message to the wrong person? If so then the “undo send” feature is something that you will never want to be without again. For a short time after you send an email from your Gmail account you have the option of hitting “undo send” and stopping that message in its tracks before it can get delivered. This will save you from any potential embarrassment from a misplaced email.
Gmail place an authentication icon on emails from verified senders like eBay or PayPal so you do not have to worry about scams. Have you ever opened an email that you thought was for real but turned out to be a virus or scam? If you have or just want to avoid the experience than you will be able to fully appreciate this feature.
For many people the view provided while in your email is important. With Gmail you can change colors, themes, and pictures to make your email page a very inviting place to be. There is even a random setting that changes your theme every time you log in so you will never be bored by the appearance.
Custom domains
When most people think of Gmail they think of an email address like but from a marketing perspective Gmail is flexible and lets you use your own custom domain with your email, like You’ll need to upgrade to a Google Apps account that will cost about $50 per year but it’s another reason that makes Gmail the Marketers’ favorite email platform
Free add-ons
There’s a wealth of free marketing add-ons you can install into Gmail. They can be found in the Google Chrome store (similar to the Apple App store). Once installed you can create email lists from your Google Contacts, track the performance of the emails you send to your audience or create your own marketing templates.
Guest Post by Asher Elran:
Asher Elran is a practical software engineer and a marketing specialist. CEO at Dynamic Search and founder of Web Ethics. Asher is enthusiastic about all things concern killer content, creative marketing, and CRO.
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